Friday, September 23, 2016

The fun of foreign training in german language

The Fun of Foreign Training in German Language

Like learning any foreign language, vowels, consonants, nouns, etc change slightly in some instances. If you plan to visit a foreign country, it is nice to know precise languages to speak with natives in that land. Using some language incorrectly can land you in a world you wished you had never visited. You can offend people in foreign countries by attempting to speak their language with no learning backing you. In fact, you are better off acting like you are struggling to hear what they are saying to you, rather than attempting to speak the language when you do not know what you are saying.

Therefore, those of you off to Germany, take some time to study some of the language so that you know what you are doing when you visit. What to do:

Take a venture into our German training exercises for a moment.

To begin we want to discuss the common mistakes, so that you can avoid them especially if you are visiting Germany. Some of the common mistakes are that people forget to use stem vowels in 2nd and 3rd person singulars of stronger verbs that are stated in present tense. For instance, if you are to say, “You are falling” in German, the common mistake should be avoided which is Du fallst. You would say Du fаllst or Sie fallen. If you were to say, “he fell,” you would say er fiel. You don’t want to say Er fallite. The form of language where “du” is applied in the language is where many people are confused.

When using strong verbs, avoid using weaker verbs when past tense statements are made, use the example he fell to see how the mistakes could easily be misleading. To avoid this mistakes, you want to learn by rote the stronger verbs, especially when the verbs are used in past tense. Sometimes the mistakes when speaking German is that people tend to use strong verbs wisely when past tense applies, yet the person will end with a weak note. He fell is the same example you can follow to say the past-tense statement correctly.

Sometimes people end sentences with present tense whereas past tense applies to strong verbs. For instance, “I came” may be stated as “ich kame,” which is incorrect. The correct way to say I came is Ich kam. You want to learn the past and present tense verbs in German to relate better to this understanding. For example, some of the simple past tense verbs are ich, which is commonly used in Germany, du in durftest, Sie, as in durften, wir as in durfte, ihr, durftet, and so on. Present tense changes, where as ich is darf instead of durfte as in past tense.

Some other common mistakes are that people forget to use stem in mixed verbs or past tense. For instance, “the runner ran fast.” Some people may say Der laufer rennet schnell whereas the correct way to say the same thing is der Lдufer lief schnell. Notice how the marks change the meaning.

When using modale Verben or modal verbs the present tense in usual fashion should be avoided. For instance, if you are to say “He cannot come” then you would say Er kann nicht kommen instead of Er kannt nicht kommen. See that in the first instance the ‘t’ is dropped in kann.

Diacritic rules apply, or accent marks apply when plurals from in present tense. That is, in some instances you want to recognize that modals have diacritic forms. For instance, if you were to say, “we are supposed to come” to Germany, you would say wir sollen kommen “we are supposed to come,” or wir sollen nach Deutschland kommen meaning we are supposed to come to Germany. You want to avoid saying Wir sellen kommen.

When changing double ‘s’ and B, especially when modal verbs apply you want to use the words carefully, e. g. “he must come,” would be interpreted as this if the speaker says, er muЯ kommen. If the speaker says, Er muss kommen, this is a mistake.

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