Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mental health issues 24

Helping Someone With Mental Health Issues

There are many misconceptions about mental health issues. Some don’t realize that these often come about because of a problem within the brain. This happens when some of the chemicals needed for feeling good or for stable thinking are blocked. Bouts of depression are common when something bad or tragic happens, but the lingering depression can be another problem all together. Those who are bipolar have spans of depression and then a bout of manic behavior. These can be treated, but those who know someone with any mental issues should know how to care for someone with these conditions.

One of the most important things to do when dealing with mental health issues is to know that most of the bad or erratic behavior is the disease, not the person. When someone is depressed and they are not yet on medication, or their medication is not working, they may spend a lot of time crying, or may even talk of ending their own life. This is not how they would normally think, and yelling at them or telling them that they are crazy is only going to make things worse. Offer then love and support, and make sure they get the medical attention that they deserve and desperately need.

Another aspect of helping someone with mental health issues is to understand what your loved one is going through. This can help you offer them the right type of support. The more you know about what they are going through, and why they are going through it, the better equipped you are to do the right thing. Understanding that these things are not all in their head, and that they cannot just snap out of it is one big step in the right direction. Knowledge is always powerful, and in this case, can make a world of difference when helping someone with mental health issues.

When helping someone with mental health issues, you may have to make some tough decisions. There are times when even they do not understand what is going on with them, and they may just think they are weak or crazy. When they refuse treatment, you may have to get tough with them. Getting the right treatment may mean saving their life. There are times when you have the power to make sure they have treatment, but for the most part they are on their own. Find out what you can do, and when you can do it. Knowing can save them from doing something they would never do if they were not suffering from mental health issues.

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