Monday, October 31, 2016

Free spyware adware remover

Free Spyware Adware Remover

Computers need routine maintenance as well as systems checks in order to be in good condition at all times. This can be done by getting the proper software or sending the unit to the shop.

If the individual notices that the computer is not performing as well as before, proper action must be done immediately before everything shuts down. Aside from the potential threat of a virus that can destroy the operating system and the hard drive, another concern should be the spyware and the adware that comes when a website is visited.

Spyware and adware programs can be purchased in the store. With the development of e-commerce, software companies have made it possible to get these things online and have it downloaded in an instant into the computer.

Is there one software program better than the other? Some will say this brand while others will say another depending on how user-friendly and effective it has performed in the past. Here are the top 5 that are free for the person to use so the user should be the judge.

1. McAfee has been in the business of providing security solutions since 1987. The software programs it offers can take care of viruses, spyware, adware and any other threats all in just one package.

Among the different software companies in the industry, this firm does not allow free trials but those who have used it and are still doing so today are satisfied with its products and services.

2. Another leader in the industry is Symantec. This company started 5 years earlier than McAfee and offers customers various versions of its products. Those who are skeptic about the adware and spyware software it has can download the software and try it for 30 days. Those who amazed can then buy the program to continue enjoying its services.

3. Microsoft is one of the biggest software companies in the world. Aside from offering to customer’s operating systems, it also has adware spyware remover, which can be downloaded for free into the computer.

4. The fourth company on the list is not as big as the other three players but is still able to hold its head up high in the market. The program is called Spybot Search and Destroy. From the name itself, the individual can already tell what it can do as well as prevent new threats from ever popping up in the future.

5. Lastly, is Adaware, which also has various versions for personal and commercial use. Those who will just use it to keep the computer safe at home can download the adware spyware remover program for free. If this will be used by a company to protect its assets, a fee will be charged to keep the system running.

The person does not have to be a computer expert to be able to protect everything inside the computer because there are adware spyware remover programs available.

Once it is downloaded and installed, the individual does not have to worry because the software will check the computer carefully as well as receive updates so new threats can be caught before it can do any damage making one sleep peacefully at night. It is up to the customer whether to pay for the system or simply get one that is free.

What is private medical insurance

Private medical insurance is optional insurance which an individual or entire family can take out by paying a monthly premium, the same as with life or home insurance. There are many advantages to paying for private medical insurance and here are just of the reasons you could consider taking out this form of insurance.

Perhaps the biggest advantage to taking private medical insurance is to avoid the long waiting lists that are now common on the NHS. Private health insurance can give you peace of mind that if you become ill then you will be immediately seen and are guaranteed to get the very best of treatment.

The second big plus to having private medical insurance is the choice that comes with it. If you should have to have an operation then you will have a choice over the surgeon that performs the operation along with your choice of hospital. Of course you will have a private room which means that visiting hours won’t be restricted as they are when in a NHS hospital. You will get a choice from a menu and you wont have the medical students standing around your bed that are commonly seen following Doctors around the wards of the hospitals.

Not only will you avoid the waiting lists associated with operations but even for minor operations and treatment you will be seen straight away. There are many choices for the cover you can have and searching online for the best coverage and cheapest cover is essential. However in most cases you will only get what you pay for and if you want to make savings then taking limited cover might be your only option.

Perhaps the only disadvantages to paying for private medical insurance is that not all medical eventualities are covered and the private hospitals might not have the depth of expertise found in the NHS.

A few cool photoshop tips and tricks part 1

When it comes to entering the graphic design world, creating interesting pieces for a job or sharing artwork with family and friends, there are plenty of cool Photoshop tips and tricks to consider. Whether you are just experimenting with the tools or already know how to layout a magazine spread, there will always be a new shortcut or trick to make life much easier. Below, you will find a few tips to add to your repertoire or share with others:

Easy Photoshop Tips and Tricks

Have you ever wanted to easily create the image of Earth and dread using the circle tool? There is an easy way to design the world in six steps, which should take less than a minute to complete. First, you should select File/New from the menu bar and create a file size that measures about 200 pixels by 200 pixels. The RGB mode should be selected for this trick. Next, choose a light blue shade for the foreground color and a darker blue for the background color.

Under the Filters tab, select Render, and then choose Clouds. The scene that will greet you should look a lot like the sky. It is the clouds filter that utilizes the foreground and background colors needed to construct this image in your file. If you desire a different look, you can press Ctrl + F on Windows or Command + F for a Mac to reapply the filter. Each time this key combination is pressed, you will receive a somewhat different outcome.

Now, return to the Filter menu and select Render, and then choose Lighting Effects. Once you enter the Light Effects menu, you are able to alter the shape of the ellipse to a circle that becomes centered on your file. Changing the Narrow setting to 39 next follows choosing the Default Spotlight setting.

Sometimes a Photoshop project calls for texture. There are thousands of backgrounds to create that range from a grainy composition to a multi-faceted mess (depending on the look you are going for). To create a paper texture in Photoshop, you should start a new file that measures 60 x 60 pixels. The color should be in RGB. Next, select the following commands in this same order: Filter, Noise, Add Noise. Once completed, choose Gaussian, which is set to 80%.

The next step to create a paper texture is to select Filter, then Stylize, followed by Emboss. The angle should be set to -50, the Height to 2 pixels, and the Amount to 70%. The background will now resemble a gray embossed selection. To change the color, choose Image, then Adjust, followed by Hue-Saturation-Brightness. Once you select the Colorize checkbox, you should set the Hue to a different setting. To gain your personal preference, you can adjust the contrast.

To create the appearance that objects are glowing without using any filters, choose an object to work with that will be duplicated as a layer. First, select the color you’d like your glow to be. After choosing the lower duplicate, click on Edit from the menu, then Stroke. When the Stroke Options appear, the pixel width should be set between 1 and 16. It is important to remember that the larger number you choose, the thicker the glow will appear.

Before exiting, you should glance under Location to make sure that the Outside option is selected. The next step involves applying a Gaussian Blur to the layer, which can be found under the Blur option in Filters. This will soften the glow applied to the layer. Some individuals even repeat the process to create a double glow, which is some cases, can really make an image stand out.

Great job as mystery shopper

What does it mean to be a mystery shopper? It is quite simple - a person is paid to visit local stores and evaluate the kind of service they get. They enter the store and acts like an ordinary customer, just to keep the identity of mystery shopper a secret. A mystery shopper evaluates different aspects of the service while they are in the store.

Mystery shoppers provide businesses with more information through the use of questionnaires and detailed narratives. These questionnaires provide businesses with an unbiased opinion of how they are perceived by the customer.

Mystery shoppers relieve the owner of this added responsibility. Business owners who are presently using these kind of services are now getting a more realistic picture of how their customers perceive their company.

The mystery shopper company work with their clients to establish mechanisms to measure and improve the levels of service. The information from a mystery shopper is reported to the management of the clients and they use it to evaluate and improve their customer service. Ultimately the purpose of mystery shoppers is to help businesses increase sales.

If you work as a mystery shopper you will be paid to shop. That is right, a mystery shopper is paid to evaluate different types of customer experiences.

You can be paid to:

- Fill up your car with gas

- Have dinner on a local restaurant

- Shop in your local hardware store

- Request information about a computer

- Sometimes you will be paid for working from home. Some tasks can and should be performed by a phone call.

The list can be very long because the number of businesses using this method to collect information is very long. And it is increasing for every day.

The best thing about being a mystery shopper is that you are paid for everything you purchase. If you have lunch or dinner – your expenses are paid for. If you watch a movie you will be paid for the ticket and the job you do. This is really an opportunity for many.

Why do big companies use mystery shoppers?

How many times have you left a store dissatisfied with the service you got? How many times will you go back to that store again? It is not surprising to find that many organizations are very interested in making a good impression, the impression they make on you, the customer, is vital for their company.

So feedback from mystery shoppers are often a key factor for those companies in their efforts to improve the standards for customer service. Persons that think they have something to add to the ongoing improvement of customer service are suitable for a job as a mystery shopper. If you like to shop and get paid for it, you can have the perfect job.

So what is the catch?

There is no catch! It is free to become a mystery shopper. You will be trained to collect the information the companies want and need. If you have the time you have nothing to loose but a lot to win.

Finally, there is an organisation, MSPA, which is the largest professional trade association dedicated to improving service quality using anonymous resources. MSPA have over 150 member companies worldwide and they have a diverse membership including marketing research and merchandising companies, private investigation firms, training organizations and companies that specialize in providing mystery shopping services.

Securing your wireless computer

Wireless Internet connections aren't just convenient for you-they also may be convenient for hackers. Fortunately, it isn't difficult to protect yourself.

Wireless systems can be particularly vulnerable to digital intruders, possibly putting sensitive or private data at risk. However, you can protect yourself by using WEP or WPA encryption, which require users to enter a password before they are allowed to access your wireless network.

These encryption methods are described in easy-to-understand language in a new book called "Geeks On Call Wireless Networking: 5-Minute Fixes" (Wiley, $14.95). The book also offers expert advice and step-by-step explanations of topics ranging from configuring a wireless router to troubleshooting a slow connection.

Here are some additional tips from the book that can help you protect your wireless network.

• Reduce the range of your network. Doing so can keep nosy neighbors from intruding on your connection. Move your wireless router into the center of your home and decrease its power settings.

• Pick a new password. Most routers have a default password of "admin." Be sure to change it.

• Disable SSID broadcasting. Most wireless routers broadcast the names of user networks (SSIDs) so that other users can log on. This could be a security risk.

• Use encryption to protect credit card information you send wirelessly over the Web. Also, only use your card on a Web site that has SSL encryption (look for a padlock in the corner of the site).

• Disable your wireless card when not in use. There's no better way to secure your computer.

• Use a firewall, which is a program that shields your computer from Internet criminals.

• Don't use shared files. Remove all important documents from your Shared Files folder before accessing a public network.

• If you use a wireless laptop, disable the feature that attempts to connect your laptop to any available wireless network. For most Windows-based laptops, double-click the wireless icon in the lower right corner of Windows. Then click "Properties." Click the "Wireless Network" tab. Next, click the "Advanced" button. Uncheck the "Automatically Connect to Non-Preferred Networks" option. Finally, click "Close."

Cardio boxing for super fitness

Sports scientists agree that cardio-boxing is one of the best forms of exercise, because it conditions the total body and provides a complete workout for your cardiovascular and endurance systems.

The major benefits of cardio-boxing include:

 Increased Stamina

 Increased Strength

 Increased Speed

 Increased Coordination

Cardio-boxing also promotes a person’s well being by strengthening their self-discipline and combined with strength training it’s well and truly the total package for self-defence and fitness and usually consists of:

 Adjusted heart rate work

 Actual boxing techniques

The usual workout consists of the age-adjusted heart rate work starting with 10 minutes for beginners and leading up to 20 minutes for the more advanced. For the second part of the workout, you’ll need to perform and practice 20 minutes of actual boxing techniques.


The best way to measure the effects of an exercise program on your body is to check your pulse.

The easiest way to check the pulse is to place your index and middle fingers on your carotid artery or the wrist. Immediately after the exercise, count your pulse for 15 seconds and multiply by 4.

You can also check your pulse during the exercise but with safety as a first priority. To get a more precise reading of your pulse rate, purchase an electronic device from any sports store.

Now you have your exercising pulse rate or heartbeats per minute. We’ll be concentrating at the upper end of your pulse region: the 50% - 70% ranges.

To figure this out, deduct your age from 220. Suppose your age is 40, deduct this from 220 and you get 180.

50% of 180 is 90 beats a minute,

60% of 180 is 108 beats a minute,

70% of 180 is 126 beats a minute and so on.

Don’t jump into 70% work straight away. Start with 50% and slowly work your way up to the 70% upper limit.

Start with no more than 10 minutes, and work up to 20 minutes. Once you’re comfortable with working out for 20 minutes at 70% then try to increase the heart rate up to 80%.

Mix up your cardiovascular activities in the gym. Use the treadmill, skipping, rower, climber, and bike and other equipment that might be available to you.


The boxing stance is the posture a boxer takes before and after every action depending on whether you are left or right handed. We’ll be dealing with the most common; right-handed. For left-handed people, just reverse the instructions.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with your left foot in front of your right foot. Your right heel should be slightly raised with your left foot flat on the floor and toes pointing ahead.

Bend your knees a little and balance your weight comfortably and evenly.

Place your elbows close to your body with your left fist held at head height and in a position that corresponds to your left foot.

The right fist should be at head height also and guarding the chin, with both elbows protecting your body and both fists protecting your chin.

This is your defensive and offensive position after throwing punches, so please practice this before going any further. When moving forward in this boxing stance the left foot moves forward first and then the right follows.

When moving back, the right moves back and then the left follows. When moving sideward to the right, the right foot moves first followed by the left. When moving sideward to the left, the left foot moves first followed by the right.

Practice this moving forward, back and sideward in the boxer’s stance until it is done smoothly and quickly. Remember to keep your guard up and elbows tucked in to your sides.

Keep your head at eye level with your upper body leaning forward slightly. In boxing it is important that punches are thrown quickly and then bought back quickly to assume a defensive posture.


A left jab has many uses, it can be used for both offensive and

Defensive actions. From the set stance the left arm is pushed quickly and forcefully forward, the weight is shifted to the front foot. The fist moves in a straight line and straight back again for defence.

At the moment of impact the back of the hand and the lower arm are in a straight line. Keep the right fist in the defensive position and elbow tucked into the body during the movement.

The straight right is also known as the punching hand and can be thrown with considerable force. The arm moves straightforward from the chin, the body weight is shifted to the front foot with the ball of the foot of the back leg pushing into the floor for more power.

The back of the hand is straight and pointing up at the moment of impact. The arm is then immediately pulled back for protection after the hit.

The left hook to the head and body is an effective punch for closer range work. From the set stance turn your left shoulder quickly and move your elbow up to shoulder height. The fist moves in a circular motion to the target, with the elbow bent.

Rotate your hip and body whilst pressing your front left down keeping the back of your fist pointing up and in a straight line with the lower arm. The left hook to the body is similar to the above but increases the rotation of the body

The right uppercut is also carried out at close range. Drop the lower part of your punching arm until the lower and upper arm is at right angles to each other. The back of your hand should be pointing away from you, now thrust your arm forward and upward to your target.

Shift your body weight to your front leg and rotate your hip and shoulder on the same side. Remember to keep your left fist guarding your chin during the entire movement. Now practice all your punches until they are done quickly and smoothly.

To develop speed and endurance, try punching straight left and right combinations into the heavy bag. The duration of the exercise period is the same as the rest period i. e. 10 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest, and so on. Move up higher as your condition improves.

How to find wholesale sources

In my last article “How To Open a Business,” I wanted you to answer questions that needed to be answered before opening your business. Everyone at one time or another has said to themselves “I want my own business.” But is it enough just to want your own business?

Your answers to the questions should give you an idea if you are the type of person that can handle the stress of owning your own business.

Since you have decided to open your own business, “NOW WHAT?”

Let’s say that you decide to open a dollar store – where everything is a dollar. You have found what you believe is the perfect location. You have talked with the landlord and are working out a lease. You have gone to your county and bought a business license. And you have applied for a tax id in your state.

Now the next big question is “where do I buy my items wholesale?”

This morning I googled the term “wholesale” and there were 231,000,000 sites listed. Look at that number again - 231 million sites listed for “wholesale.” How does one begin to search through that many sites to find what they want to sell? And how do you know that the companies that are listed are reputable.

I have owned several businesses – some successful and some not so successful. And one of the biggest problems that I faced was finding good wholesale sources at a good price. I now sell on ebay and finding wholesale sources that were cheap enough to make a profit and compete with others selling the same things was difficult.

Most business owners know that to make a profit, you have to find items at great wholesale prices. I have always been told “you make your money when you buy the items, not when you sell them.”

Some of the so-called "wholesale sources" prices that I have found were more than I could have bought the same item for on ebay - including shipping. If you have ever tried to find wholesale sources, it can be a daunting task. So where to begin is the biggest question.

One of the ways that you can check and see if a company is reputable is by checking a website called alexa. com. This site lets customers review other sites. Some of the sites may not have any reviews about them, but some of them may. And just because someone else didn’t like the company does not mean that it is a bad company.

You can also check the page rank at google; however, if a site is relatively new, it will probably have a 0 page rank. This rank is a rating that tells how important google thinks that a website is. However, many of the most visited websites on the web only rank a 0 or 1 or 2.

Finding wholesale sources is easy. Finding “good” wholesale sources takes a lot of work and patience.

Another question to research is the shipping costs. I found one wholesale source that had very good prices, but the shipping costs was too high. I think that this company was trying to make their profit on the shipping. Most of the reputable companies will cap the shipping costs with a minimum purchase. Many of the ones I have dealt with cap the shipping costs at 10% with a $1000 minimum order. However, with gas prices rising and shipping rates rising, companies may have to raise the minimum requirements in order to cap the shipping costs.

Educate yourself about what items are available. Many of the name brand companies will not sell to small business. They already have their distribution channels set up and if you want to sell these brands, you may have to find a middleman that will sell them to you. You may have to pay a little more for the items, but if it is important to you to have name brands, it just might be worth it.

Another way to find good wholesale sources is to go to the merchandise shows. These shows have thousands of wholesalers at one place and you can browse all the booths until you find what you are interested in. Some of the biggest wholesale merchandise shows are located in the larger cities such as: New York, Las Vegas, Chicago, and Atlanta.

Traveling to these wholesale merchandise shows is time consuming and can be expensive. However, usually the wholesale shows have special rates arranged with hotels.

Well, that is all for now. Visit my website: www. wholesalemap. com for more information about finding “good” wholesale sources. It is free. Also, I have just begun a blog and if you have any ideas or wholesale sites that I need to review, let me know.

Fitness babes

Health Pointers for the Fitness Babes

Exercise is an essential in life. Most people will certainly nod their heads to this. Exercise is not only perfect for losing weight, it is also good for keeping a reasonable body weight, for giving a boost on the metabolic rate and also for burning those unwanted excess calories. Exercise also revs up the heart and the lungs' machinery making them more efficient in doing their natural functions.

Aside from these, exercise also works for strengthening the bones and keeps people looking good and feeling good about themselves. Exercise also gives people the stamina to enable them to keep up with the pace of their lifestyles. Unfortunately, not many people chose to do what is good for them. Most people could not decide exactly what to do when waking up in the morning; whether to exercise or to press the snooze button one more time.

The following tips are very helpful in reaching and maintaining the ideal body weight. This is especially great for women since they get through a lot of things going on in their bodies and are more susceptible to osteoporosis. Not to mention that many women are under the pressure of keeping themselves beautiful. It is recommended that one or two of these tips at a time are incorporated to the work out routine.

Worry not that the exercise routine is not enough. It is important to keep the commitments one makes. Ideally, it is advised to exercise three to five times a week for 20-60 minutes. However, this is not exactly the case in the real world. One should not frustrate herself by aiming for the ideal when she knows for herself that it is utterly impossible. If she an manage it two times a week for twenty minutes per session, that will do just great.

It is best to focus on doing what one knows she can do than to reproach herself for having not done enough. She can start from this point and then progress on afterwards. This should make her feel successful for having kept her commitment to herself.

Weight lifting should always come first. Many women always do cardio exercises first before weight lifting. A disadvantage of this is that it is possible to miss a critical component of the routine and spend all of it on cardio training. A women may notice this by not being able to see results even after devoting long hours at the gym. This can be avoided by reversing the order. This will guarantee visible positive outcome.

Remember to monitor heart rate. It is recommended to exercise at 75-85% of the maximum heart rate. Many people stick with just pumping up only 50% of their maximum heart rate. To ensure that one is working out at the prescribed target heart rate, she should use a heart rate monitor or any exercise equipment with this feature.

Work out for only an hour or less. Doing this will keep one from dreading the gym. Focusing on the exercise and the aim to be accomplished will make each work out session more and more efficient.

Have some sort of fitness social support. Being in a fitness community maybe the important element lacking in your training program. A social support can do amazing wonders and therefore should not be underestimated. It would be helpful to work out in a gym once in while if one customarily does her work outs at home. One can also try classes in activities that have always been interesting such as yoga, pilates or sailing perhaps. One can also join clubs such as a walking club or a running club for instance.

Pep talk yourself. One should not pressure herself too much; rather, it is best to congratulate one's self and give out words of encouragement in between exercises. One should never forget to say some positive feedback for herself.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Internet safety what to do when your child will not follow your rules

Internet Safety: What to Do When Your Child Will Not Follow Your Rules

Are you the parent of a child or a teenager who uses the internet? If you are, you likely have internet safety rules already in place. If you do, how well is your child at following them?

When it comes to internet safety rules that you have set in place, it is important that your child follows them. Why? Because their health and safety is, literally, at risk. Not following your internet safety rules should be treated differently than a child who doesn’t clean their room. The situation is much more serious. If your child doesn’t follow the rules that you have set concerning internet use, they may unintentionally find themselves a target of a child predator.

What you will want to do is re-talk to your child. Be sure that they are clear on your rules. For example, if your child is allowed to use social networking websites, what are they not allowed to have posted on their profile? Do you not want them to have personal information or personal pictures or videos shown? Restate all rules that you have for your child and instruct them to start following them right away.

If your child still isn’t following your internet safety rules all of the way, you will want to give them one final warning. Let them know that there are serious consequences to their actions. However, there is one important exception to this step. If you suspect that your child is communicating with strangers online, like those who may be sexual predators, bypass the final warnings, as your child may already be in over their head.

As for what steps you should take next, you can ban your child from using the internet. This is the strictest form of punishment and likely the one that will send the clearest message. If your child must use the internet for school, like for a school research project, only let them do so when you are sitting right next to them. You can also make them do their research at their local library. This is a great way to make your child understand the importance and consequences of not following rules.

Another approach that you can take is to block the websites that you want to keep your child away from. For example, if you asked your child or teenager not to post personal pictures or videos of themselves online, but they still continue to do so, block the social networking websites that they use. If you have Internet Explorer, this is easy to do. First, open a new internet window. Then, from the dropdown menu select “Tools,” and then “Internet Options,” and then click on the “Content Tab.” Finally, under the heading of “Approved Sites,” you can also enter in the websites you want blocked.

You may also want to let your child use the computer when you are home or in the room. If they have their own computer, make them relocate it into a well traveled area, such as your living room. Speaking of which, if your child uses a family computer, you should always make sure that it is in an area where you can easily see what your child is doing online. This is a nice approach, as your child is still able to use the internet, but you are able to keep a close eye on them, making sure that they are following your rules.


Word Count 570

Cell phone calling card recharging talking power

So I don’t know if I was the only person who didn’t know this, but it is more expensive to call a cell phone internationally than it is to call a landline. This applies even if you are calling from a landline and not from a cell phone. I found this out from a friend of mine, and suddenly felt very bad about the fact hat I only had a cell phone number in Venezuela for my friends and family to call. Now of course it is more expensive to call internationally from a cell phone but I expected that, however I did not realize it was more expensive to call to a cell phone.

Well the not having a landline thing I can’t do much about, but the price of calling me I can assist with. There are apparently now calling cards that are made specifically for cell phones. My mom sometimes needs to call me during the day when she is not home. This of course results in a long string of text messages as it is exorbitantly expensive to call internationally from your cell phone. However I have found cell phone calling cards. These are of course more expensive than landline calling cards but still cheaper than calling from a cell phone.

I of course found this information on the internet, like I find all the information I want. This service is just like a calling card in the fact that it is prepaid. However it adds on to your normal cell phone service in that you do not have to actually have the card on hand each time you want to make a call, You simply have to call the access number and it recognizes your cell phone calling card. From there you can call anywhere in the world at up to a 75% savings form your normal fee. Oh the wonders of the things you can find on the internet.

Lean manufacturing3

What Is Lean Manufacturing

What Is Lean Manufacturing?

Today, in a highly consumerist society where people strive to acquire more possessions, it is ironic that in manufacturing consumer products, lean is in.

The concept of zero-waste does not only circulate among ecological zones, it seems. Lean manufacturing is a new buzzword in the industrial world which is rapidly gaining ubiquitous following. Lean manufacturing is a systematic approach to eliminate waste in the production process with the end goal of satisfying customers.

Waste is anything that a consumer refuses to pay for. The types of wastes in a manufacturing system include the following:

(a) overproduction or producing more, earlier or faster than required

(b) waiting for machines to process

(c) inventory or work in process because of large lot production or processes with long cycle time

(d) unnecessary processing

(e) transportation which hardly adds values to products

(f) excessive motion of workers, machines and transport due to inappropriate location of tools and parts

(g) making defective products and

(h) underutilizing people.

The focus of lean manufacturing is to minimize the consumption of resources that adds no value to a product. As such, it is a process-focused production system which minimizes costs, maximizes customer options and ensures high quality and fast delivery of products and services.

The concept of lean manufacturing originated in Japan where, after WWII, it was necessary for manufacturers to develop a new, low cost manufacturing process.

Unlike their western counterparts, Japanese manufacturers needed torebuild after the war and faced declining human, material and financial resources. The first leaders to create lean manufacturing systems were Eiji Toyoda, Taiichi Ohno and Shingeo Shingo of Toyota Motor Company.

In the 1990’s, the concept of lean manufacturing was popularized in the U. S. by a study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the movement of mass production toward the more streamlined Japanese production style as described in the book entitled The Machine That Changed the World (Womack, Jones & Ross).

This depicted essential elements which are used in lean manufacturing systems. The term lean was adopted because these methods used less human effort, capital investment, production space, materials and time in all operation stages.

All U. S. manufacturing businesses eventually applied lean manufacturing because of competition among U. S. and Japanese automakers over the last two decades.

Lean manufacturing systems recognize the fact that the value of a product is defined solely by the customer. Customers’ needs must be met at a specific time and price. The nitty-gritty of product operations is of no importance to customers.

This realization forces companies to comprehensively analyze business processes.

To apply lean manufacturing is to understand basic activities required to produce a particular product and to optimize the entire process from the point of view of the customer. This is important as it helps identify activities that clearly add value, those have no value-added and cannot be avoided and those that have no value-added and can be scrapped altogether.

Transition to a lean manufacturing system does not happen overnight. Lean manufacturing requires every level of organization to have a complete understanding of its basic principles and execution processes. Widespread orientations must be set to prepare and motivate people and to make them understand the need to switch to lean manufacturing.

After that, a mentality for continuous improvement is necessary to reach company goals. This means that the company aims for incremental improvement of products, and processes over time.

For this, employee involvement and an atmosphere of experimentation are essential. Decision-making and system development must be delegated. Willingness to take risks must be encouraged.

Improvements must be measured according to results vis-а-vis macro level targets not on number of activities undertaken. Because of the complicated nature of lean manufacturing systems, there is a need to execute pilot projects before spreading the culture across the organization.

The number of manufacturers attempting to become lean is increasing fast. Companies that have fully implemented lean manufacturing systems are rare. Although perfection is impossible, it is a goal that lean manufacturers strive for because it helps them be more vigilant of wasteful practices.

Selling success using testimonials to boost your numbers

If you’ve ever watched QVC, Home Shopping Network, or seen an infomercial, you know about the power of testimony. It’s our experience that your sales will increase when customers are seen or heard testifying to the benefits of your product or service

It helps potential customers to imagine themselves as proud owners & users of the product or service you offer. They want to experience the same benefits as the person who made a testimony to it. The best way to get prospective clients to buy from you is to introduce them to other satisfied customers. Since you won’t be taking customers around on sales calls testimonials will take their place

To do this, first you will need to ask your best customers whether you can interview them about the positive experience they’ve had with your product or service and record it either with a digital camera or a tape recorder. Be sure to inform them how you’re going to use the information so they can be at ease knowing that you’re going to be using their words and images in front of perspective customers. Once you have this, in a digital format, incorporate it into a PowerPoint presentation and playback to prospective customers.

For example maybe you know a situation where the cost of your product or service was initially an issue for a customer and they instead decided to buy from a low-price competitor. After discovering that the selected vendor wouldn’t be able to deliver, the customer came back to do business with you. They realized that the low price paid in the short run would actually cost more in the long and the value of providing quality and service is worth the extra money.

The best kind of customer is one you can give you a testimonial. Then, should you encounter another prospect that voices similar concerns, you can simply say “ I understand how you feel and other customers to felt that way. In fact, here are some comments from a customer who had the same concerns you have now “. Once you play the PowerPoint presentation, they can see exactly what you mean.

Ask your best customers to talk about the benefits they receive from using your product or service. If you have a number of different testimonials, you can always use the one that best fits the sale scenario. One sales rep we know show pictures of customers using his product. A picture of a happy, satisfied customer is worth a thousand brochures (and a lot less expensive).

Nothing sells better than truth and you can get closer to the truth and when it comes from someone who’s had a real life experience with you, your product, your services, and your company.

Good luck

Bin laden sighted in karachi may turn self in

Reports of Osama Bin Laden’s whereabouts took a new turn this week when a Pakistani woman reported sighting a tall man in a white robe with matching turban hit his head on a low doorway.

The woman's suspicions about the identity of the man were further aroused when she noticed the entrance led to a recording studio.

So as not to create suspicion, she approached him without revealing who she thought he might be.

“Are you all right?” she asked, with demur innocence.

“No,” he said. “How can I be all right? Besides just cracking my head on this low doorway, I’m Osama Bin Laden.”

“Really?” she replied, thinking of the $25-million reward for turning him in, as well as her opportunity to contribute to the triumph of justice.

“Yes” he went on. “I haven’t been all right since I fled Tora Bora, because it’s even hard for me to get out long enough to make my audiotapes.”

“My, oh, my,” the woman commiserated, “Everybody thinks you’re in the remote regions near the Afghan border.”

“You’d think they’d know better,” he confided. “How could a spoiled rich boy like me live this long without some of the comforts only a city can provide, like a dialysis machine to keep me alive, and takeout food.”

“That makes sense,” she agreed.

“Yes, it does, but there’s no danger the authorities will figure out where I am, because every time I record a tape, we filter out the sounds of the city, like horns and sirens.”

“That’s very clever,” she said. “You’d think that when they see the tapes are filtered they might guess you’re in a place where there are background sounds.”

“Let’s just hope they don’t catch on. I don’t want them to take away from my next surprise move.”

“Oh, a surprise move,” she exclaimed. “Want to tell me about it?”

“No,” he told her, “because then it won’t be a surprise anymore. But just watch. I’m not going to slink around Karachi forever. I long for metropolitan delights in the more developed capitals of the world. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my recording session is due to start.”

Then he waved goodbye and reentered the doorway, this time remembering to duck.

The woman, excited to shortness of breath, went straight to the nearest police station and reported her astonishing interaction.

Police immediately launched a Karachi-wide search for Bin Laden, vowing to pursue him as part of their apparently somewhat porous terrorist dragnet.

They were, however, shocked when the very next day, Bin Laden called police headquarters and offered to turn himself in.

When asked why he had made the decision, when the police, many of whom are devout Muslims, were doing their utmost to help him evade capture, he replied, “I can’t stand it any longer. Hiding out every day, afraid to go outside for fear of getting into a conversation with a stranger who might report me, and having to spend all my time with my four wives, when I could be sitting in a topless club in America, like the martyrs I sent to fly planes into American buildings were doing shortly before their great sacrifice. Worse yet, one of my wives told me I may have misinterpreted The Koran, because, she reminded me, 'Islam' means peace. Praise be to God I didn't, or I'll have to turn myself in. ”

“Well, if you insist,” the police told him.

“I’ll let you know for sure in a day or two,” Osama replied, “I don’t want to do it and then regret it later, especially at the moment I’m being hanged.”

“That’s very understandable, revered sheik,” the Pakistani police officer replied. Then he added a reassurance that would undoubtedly have infuriated Pakistani President Musharaff, his much wiser leader and devoted American ally in the war on terror. “We must scour the city for you. Before you hang up, tell us your address, so we make sure to avoid it.”

Saturday, October 29, 2016

How to keep one s skin beautiful

Human body is very sensitive and vulnerable. It is and has always been an easy target for an arrow, a sword or a bullet. In all the times people tried to protect their bodies as well as possible: medieval knights had iron armor; nowadays policemen use more effective protection – flak jackets - to survive in the battle with evil.

It goes without saying that we should value these mankind inventions; at the same time, we must never forget about what nature supplied us with to resist the undesirable and dangerous influence of the environment. Skin is what I mean.

Though it cannot protect us from a sword or a bullet, it has always been a very effective means of defense against ultraviolet rays, heat, cold, viruses and bacteria, which constantly try to make our bodies their home for some time, and then to gradually destroy them.

Besides, skin is a multifunctional component of the human body. Thermoregulation helps us adjust to the temperature of the environment due to the widening or narrowing of blood vessels and the secretion of more or less liquids by skin’s glands. Metabolic function is realized during the gas exchange, water-salt metabolism, etc. After all, due to the skin’s sensation function we can feel the pleasure of touching.

I am pretty sure that knights took good care of their armor for it to remain strong and reliable as long as possible. We should also do our best to preserve skin “in the working order” and to make it good-looking as well.

So, to have healthy and beautiful skin it is desirable to:

  • avoid the sunlight, as its ultraviolet rays cause the most harmful changes in the skin structure, making it dry, wrinkled, thin and covered with age spots. They can also provoke skin cancer;
  • quit smoking, because nicotine is said to have the same influence on skin as sunlight;
  • clean and moisturize skin properly (scrubs, creams, ointments and lotions can be of great help in this case);
  • keep to a healthy diet with much fruit and vegetables to supply skin with all the necessary vitamins. Drinking much water helps improve its state as well;
  • avoid stress, because skin is like a mirror, reflecting everything that is going on in the human mind.

    It is easy to take care of skin when we are young. Smooth and plump, it needs, perhaps, proper cleaning only (excluding the cases of skin diseases).
    Aging, on the other hand, emphasizes the flaws in our appearance, takes away the beauty. It all results in dry, thin and wrinkled skin. This is a point, when preserving our natural body-cover beautiful takes much effort and skill to succeed.

    In order to make this process easier and more pleasant, visit Skin Care Center at Pillwatch. com. It is a place, where you can find the answers to many questions.

    Anna Iv is a pillwatch. com article author, aiming in supplying people with the most detailed and comprehensive data on health care issues.
  • Straightening your teeth may be good for your health

    Straightening your teeth can work wonders on your smile, but did you also know it may help lower your risk of developing serious diseases?

    "Crooked, crowded or unevenly spaced teeth are harder to keep clean and tend to harbor more food and bacteria," said Dr. Jacqueline Fulop-Goodling, an orthodontics specialist in New York. "This can lead to an increase in plaque and bacteria in the mouth which can cause decay and periodontal disease, a bacterial infection of the gums, bone and periodontal ligament that can enter the blood stream, travel to major organs and cause systemic complications."

    According to the American Academy of Periodontology, gum disease may contribute to the development of heart disease; increase the risk of stroke, premature birth and low birth weight; and pose a serious threat to people whose health is already compromised due to diabetes, respiratory diseases or osteoporosis.

    Properly aligned teeth can help keep plaque and tarter from building up. Plaque and tarter are known causes of gum disease. Straight teeth help gums "fit" tighter around them and also make it easier to brush and floss, which leads to better gum health.

    With today's advances in orthodontic technology, straightening crooked teeth is easier and less noticeable than ever before.

    Invisalign, for instance, is a popular technique that straightens teeth using a series of custom-made, clear and removable aligners. Clinical studies show that gum health may improve using Invisalign over other forms of teeth-straightening techniques. Because there are no brackets or wires to worry about, patients can take out their "braces" after meals to brush and floss.

    Additional health benefits of straightening teeth include improved chewing and speech and less stress on supporting bone and jaw joints.

    Healthy and nutritious benefits from yogurt

    It has been given different names but the nutritious value of yogurt makes it useful for our continuous and profoundly used up body. It should be part of your daily diet as it helps with increasing ways of creating a clean digestive system. The process of making yogurt must have developed somewhere in Asia or Europe as there is a huge supply of milk.

    In Europe and Asia, cow’s milk is very prevalent; buffalo’s milk is also used in India. In Russia goats and sheep’s milk are a good source of providing milk from which the rich and smooth yogurt is formed. Yogurt can be made by the use of Soya which is considered as a very healthy drink.

    By being an excellent desert, yogurt also happens to be very nutritive with many golden benefits written to its name. It has all the essential source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. These help to create a proper balance for your body. High content of calcium also proves to be excellent for our digestive system. It helps it cooling down your system rather than burning it up with acidity problems. As the proteins are easily digested you can have this very easily which tends to do wonders to your body.

    It can also be made into butter milk wherein 90% water is used, but the taste happens to be very good for your mouth and your stomach accepts it easily. People who have tender digestive system can have this daily which would help them tremendously. As the digestabilty factor of the yogurt is better in comparison to the milk due to which you can have it very easily. It is been said that consuming at least 250 gms yogurt a day would help to improve your thiamine. This thiamine helps in maintaining your appetite as well as the continuous growth of your body.

    Acidity can be easily fought by drinking butter milk. If this butter milk happens to be sour it turns out be even better as it helps in fighting the influx of lactic acid in the system. You can use yogurt in different forms which makes it more interesting and also very appetizing for many children and adults too. It also contains Vitamin B12 which is very good for your body. There are three types of yogurt regular, low-fat, and skimmed milk.

    As yogurt contains live bacteria it proves to be very useful for your body providing all the necessary health benefits needed by you. It has been tested that people who have yogurt thrice a week can increase their life span than the one's who had it just once a week. Your immunity increases by having yogurt. It has a fine resistance to fight diseases. Eating yogurt helps with vaginal yeast infection. It also helps in weight loss which for many may be a very significant problem. Lactobacillus is a pro-biotic bacterium which helps in curing arthritis as well as preventing it.

    Give your closet a makeover

    Give Your Closet a Makeover

    If you get a headache each time you have to find something in your closet, it is time to give it a long overdue makeover. Before you begin to take everything out and start to reorganize, decide what you want your closet to look like and what type of storage systems will work best for your things. Some considerations are what is working in the space now and what isn’t and why isn’t it working. Maybe you don’t have enough room for your dresses because the double hanging bars aren’t spaced out enough or you don’t have room to hang everything in which case a double hanging bar is what you need.

    The first step is to start with a list of things that should be in your closet and make an inventory of what storage systems you already have. After step one, make a sketch of what you want your closet to look like when you are done, bring it to the hardware store and find what you will need to supplement what you already have. Some tips for every closet:

    * Install a double hanging bar but leave room for long hanging items such as dresses or full length coats.

    * Shoe storage, this can take the form of a hanging rack, a shoe tree, or lined-up neatly on the floor.

    * Shelves for sweaters that can’t be hung up or small items such as purses or belts.

    * Utilize small baskets and boxes for hats or jewelry.

    * Install hooks to hang ties or bathrobes on.

    A closet that is organized with enough room for the future growth of your wardrobe is a closet that will stay organized. Invest in quality storage solutions that you can add to as your wardrobe or closet grows.

    Omnadren the four component testosterone

    Omnadren is an androgenic steroid providing a distinguishing anabolic result. It is oil based steroid hormone comprising a blend of four different testosterone esters including testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate. The other name given to Omnadren is ‘four-component testosterone.’

    The testosterones mixture contained in Omnadren still remains active in the body for up to a month to provide quick effect. Often, Omnadren is used by muscle-builders, jocks, runners, lifters in order to gain mass and size while intensifying strength. The diminished water retention also makes Omnadren an advantageous steroid for muscle-builders and jocks interested in cutting up or making a solid foundation of quality mass.

    In the majority of jocks, Omnadren results in rapid increase in body weight that normally goes together with strong water retention, and results in watery and puffy muscles. Omnadren is fairly safe, but in higher dosages, various players may experience side effects because of the high estrogen level. The major fallouts linked to Omnadren include skin problems, increased aggression, oily skin, increased body or facial hair. Omnadren can also bring out or worsen a condition of male pattern baldness.

    At first, Omnadren was fabricated by Polfa, which has since changed to Jelfa in Poland. Omnadren stacks fine with other steroid compounds. The normal dosages of Omnadren range from 250 mg every week, up to 2000 mg or more per week. To keep testosterone levels normal, the injections should be taken at least once a week. By using only 250 mg of Omnadren weekly, a steroid beginner can easily add about 20 pounds within a couple of months. More advanced jocks will obviously require higher doses to achieve the desired effect. The use of Omnadren will inhibit natural testosterone fabrication, so using HCG or Clomid may be right in the last part of a cycle.

    Often, Omnadren is blended with Dianabol, Anadrol 50, and Deca-Durabolin that quickens the gain in potency, mass, and water retention. The benefits attained with Omnadren, as is the case with Testosterone, normally lessen very promptly after use of the Omnadren is stopped.

    22 what are auditors

    What are auditors?

    Accountants and auditors help to ensure that the Nation's firms are run efficiently, its public records kept accurately, and its taxes paid properly and on time. They perform these vital functions by offering an increasingly wide array of business and accounting services, including public, management, and government accounting, as well as internal auditing, to their clients. Beyond carrying out the fundamental tasks of the occupation-preparing, analyzing, and verifying financial documents in order to provide information to clients-many accountants now are required to possess a wide range of knowledge and skills. Accountants and auditors are broadening the services they offer to include budget analysis, financial and investment planning, information technology consulting, and limited legal services.

    Specific job duties vary widely among the four major fields of accounting: public, management, and government accounting and internal auditing.

    Internal auditors verify the accuracy of their organization's internal records and check for mismanagement, waste, or fraud. Internal auditing is an increasingly important area of accounting and auditing. Internal auditors examine and evaluate their firms' financial and information systems, management procedures, and internal controls to ensure that records are accurate and controls are adequate to protect against fraud and waste. They also review company operations, evaluating their efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with corporate policies and procedures, laws, and government regulations. There are many types of highly specialized auditors, such as electronic data-processing, environmental, engineering, legal, insurance premium, bank, and health care auditors. As computer systems make information timelier, internal auditors help managers to base their decisions on actual data, rather than personal observation. Internal auditors also may recommend controls for their organization's computer system, to ensure the reliability of the system and the integrity of the data.

    Government accountants and auditors work in the public sector, maintaining and examining the records of government agencies and auditing private businesses and individuals whose activities are subject to government regulations or taxation. Accountants employed by Federal, State, and local governments guarantee that revenues are received and expenditures are made in accordance with laws and regulations. Those employed by the Federal Government may work as Internal Revenue Service agents or in financial management, financial institution examination, or budget analysis and administration.

    Business credit card is the foundation of success

    It is a trend today that individuals and corporate entities use credit cards for a lot of their business transactions. Many admitted that they would have a very hard time if they don't even own at least one credit card because of the advantages that it could offer. Credit cards minimize the danger of carrying larger amounts of cash and it is more convenient when doing purchases during emergency cases. Business establishments are more grateful and appreciate the benefits to the best of their advantage.

    Higher executives of various corporations and businesses own corporate or business credit cards. They are the person who transact businesses regularly and interacts with more people. The practice of issuing business credit cards to selected employees is very common. These cards are helping both the management and employees in keeping track of either their professional or personal expenses. The separation of personal and business expenses are important because the company's operating expenses are evaluated and monitored properly besides helping the management in assessing tax standings.

    Credit card companies are offering different attractive benefits to their employees and other financial institutions to get a business credit card. They sometimes waive annual fees within a period of one year upon acquisition and provide opportunities to business enterprises such as earning reward points or availing significant discounts upon purchasing office supplies.

    But keep in mind that higher annual fee equals higher credit limits. The credit companies also uses different measurement yards on finance charges, so consider this factor before getting one. It could be either based on or not on the daily average balance. Check the APR as well, because the interest's rate of a variable APR from a fixed APR differs significantly. For this reason ask if there is an available balance transfer so that your costs are minimized.

    Looking for the best business credit card company may be hard though. Each could list down a number of advantages in their favor and also some disadvantages as well. Finding the right one for your business can be a daunting task.

    Online shopping could make it easier for you. Even an average consumer can make his or her decision immediately if they wanted. Some websites already display the entire listings of business credit cards in the market that are widely available and accessible. On the sides of each business credit cards are the itemized listings of special offers. It allows simple data comparison so that the clients can choose wisely.

    If you have questions and verification regarding a particular business credit card, you can search for other useful information on the main website where the card was been featured. This process is very easy thus consumers can navigate among these websites easily and find out if the sources are similar.

    Business credit cards are considered as an important necessity. It does not only help in doing business transactions more convenient and easy but it also builds the credit standing of the company. So, it is also important that enough time should be spent in finding the right business credit card and their designated holders. The success and failure of using these credit cards in business depends on how you use it. If irresponsible employees happened to get it, it will jeopardize the company's reputation besides paying unnecessary expenses. So make sure to ask the credit card company if who is liable for the business card.

    Still, business credit cards often bring perks that are relevant and useful to business people in doing their daily activities.

    How to select an investment strategy

    There are several critical factors that need to be considered in selecting the right trading system for you. Investors are always looking for a trading edge to exploit. Finding such an edge is akin to the quest for the Holy Grail and many would be traders spend their time bouncing from one system to another, constantly looking for the perfect system. If this sounds like you, let me suggest that you change your ways, quit searching, and start making money.

    First, realize that every system will have loosing trades and there will be a series of such trades. The draw down is always a challenging time. You have to be prepared mentally and financially to ride out the draw downs. The way to prepare is to check the historical performance. The historical performance period should be appropriate for the number of trades and the rules in the system. What this means is that a system with many rules will need more trades to prove its validity. I like at least 50 trades per rule and be very conservative on the number of rules. For example, if the system is:

    “Go long when the current price is greater than the 20 period moving average. Close when the price drops below the 20 period average.”

    There are two rules in the above. One for the entry and one for the exit, which means I’d want to see a historical performance of at least 100 trades.

    Another consideration is the average holding period and frequency for trading. Both these need to match your preferences or you will be soon looking for some other trading system. Some investors want a “set and forget” type of trading plan where they enter their trades and just make updates on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. For others this approach would be far too boring.

    The major consideration is return on investment. There is no one answer as to what a reasonable number might be. It depends on several factors. First is the leverage used in the investment vehicle. For example, the least use of leverage would be to pay cash for shares of stock and own them outright. More leverage would be to purchase the stocks on margin or buy options on the stocks.

    Even greater leverage would be commodities or currency trading. As the leverage goes up, returns should be greater to offset the increased risk.

    Another consideration for acceptable returns is the frequency of trading. One would expect day trading to produce higher returns than a long term buy and hold approach, for example.

    Let’s say that you’ve found the right combination of risk and reward. A strategy with trading frequency that suits your personality. What next? Paper trade! Always start by paper trading the strategy. The length of time to paper trade isn’t as important as the number of trades. Refer back to the previous section on number of trades to validate. The more the better, but at some point you just need to leap in. Ideally I’d like to see 25% or more of the total trades as calculated above.

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    Looking for alternative nursing careers

    Looking for Alternative Nursing Careers?

    For some nurses, the daily hospital life can be too demanding and stressful. You need to provide care to your patients eight hours a day, and this means you can get caught up dealing with other people’s problems. Also, at some point in time you can make a mistake that would take away someone’s life. That’s pretty painful, right? If you’re growing sick and tired of your traditional hospital job, you better start looking for alternative nursing careers.

    There are lots of career routes out there that will pave your way out of the clinic or hospital. But it doesn’t mean you have to give up your hard-earned nursing expertise; you just have to use it in a different way.

    Yes, there are numerous opportunities that require your nursing skills in alternative settings. So if you are an experienced nurse who’s not happy with your job anymore, you have no reason to fret. Remember: you are capable of more than you think. You got skills and talents so you are generally well-equipped for working out of the traditional clinical setting.

    Here are some interesting career alternatives for nurses:

    • Clinical Research Associate

    A CRA ensures that clinical trials are done properly and without compromising the patient’s wellbeing. She also ensures accuracy of the gathered data. So if you want to be a CRA, most of your time will be spent visiting clinicians who perform such trials. You can work on different companies such as biotechnology, academic medical centers, pharmaceuticals, government agencies, the list goes on.

    Clinical trial is a research study of a medical device, a drug, or a biologic treatment in humans. Pharmaceutical products, for example, undergo clinical trials to find out if they are safe and effective before they will be approved. Clinical skills are so important in this job; that’s why nurses are the most ideal candidates for such.

    • Telecommuting Nursing Career

    It is one of the most practical options for nurses who want t stay away from the traditional nursing jobs. You can work by telecommuting for Health Information Technology Companies, Clinical Research Centers, health organizations, medical transcription centers, and freelance sites looking for writers in the medical field.

    • Nurse Contractor

    Unleash the entrepreneur in you by becoming an Independent Nurse Contractor or by setting up a Nursing Agency Business. This career will not only give you financial freedom but will also make you recognize your worth. You just need to know the ins and outs of such business and voila, you can be a successful nurse entrepreneur.

    • Legal Nurse Consultants

    Why not use your nursing expertise and be a healthcare professional? You can take Certified Legal Nurse Consultant training and after that, you can start accepting consulters on medical-related cases. You can work for attorneys who aren’t really familiar with medical records and terminologies. Also, you can provide services to government agencies, private corporations, and even for insurance companies. Among the services you can give are researching and reviewing medical records, preparing reports on the area of illness and injury, classifying standards of care and many other services.

    • Travel Nurse

    A travel nursing career will surely make a difference not just in your own but in your patient’s life as well. Aside from fulfilling your traveling desires, you can also serve your patient in a way that satisfies both of you. You can work at your own pace and in different places. You just have to be careful in choosing your placement agency. Pick the one that will help make your dream a reality. Go for the agency that offers a competitive hourly rate, free housing, complete insurance plans and medical coverage, retirement plans and enticing bonuses.

    So what are you waiting for? It’s time to look outside your exhausting traditional role! Spread your wings for new career adventures. Alternative nursing careers are just there waiting for you.

    Friday, October 28, 2016

    Rich keywords poor keywords for adsense publishers

    There is nearly nothing more important to an Adsense campaign other than informative and interesting content, this article will describe how keywords play an important role in maximizing your Adsense income.

    Keywords are crucial to the success of your Adsense venture. You will not be able to have relevant advertisements showing up in your sites if there are no significant keywords detected by the Search Engine bots.

    When writing, it is not that difficult to incorporate the proper amount of keywords or keyword phrases… known as keyword density, throughout your text.

    Standard density is anywhere from 4% - 10%, depending on the niche you are in. Ultimately, it is best if you can stick with one or two keywords or phrases, per article or page.

    Do not stuff your content with the same keyword over and over again. While it might seem as though doing so will help to boost your content, higher in search engine rankings, Google actually penalizes you for this.

    When you are creating your website, one of your main goals is to write content around high paying keywords. Not necessarily the highest paying keywords, of the month… but the highest paying keywords in YOUR NICHE.

    Unfortunately, you will soon discover that if you decide to write content around the highest paying keywords, the competition are so intense that you will lose out to the big dogs out there. It is advisable to stand out small and build it big.

    Boredom is also a possibility if you decide to write about nothing but the highest paying keywords. If you do not enjoy the topic you are researching, not only will you quickly lose interest, it will also take you much longer before you have any motivation.

    Another option is to write content for both higher and lower paying keywords. The idea behind this method is simple. Your pages that feature higher paying keywords may not enjoy a high search engine ranking, which means they may not receive as much traffic as you expect. But, there is a good chance that the lower paying keyword pages will get search engine traffic and hence, increasing the page views of all your pages.

    There are many ways to research popular keywords. Free keyword research tools are available as well as fee based tools (monthly subscription basis). Obviously the fee-based tools will produce better and more extensive results. But if you are working with a limited budget, utilizing a free tool is a good alternative.

    In conclusion, your Adsense revenue depends on the keywords you choose when you are writing your content. The more popular the keyword the better chance you have in making more money.

    Art shows 28

    Art shows

    In my small community, a huge art show is held every spring. Vendors and artists come from several states away to compete, display and sell their prized creations. Spectators drive long distances as well just to walk through the art show and admire the artwork. It isn’t uncommon to see people spending their hard earned cash on paintings and sculptures – any creation that jumps out to attract their attention.

    I used to look at the price tags on paintings and other forms of artwork and almost laugh out loud. I never took the time to think about the fact that most artists spend hours and hours of their lives putting the perfect emotions and touches into their artwork. Some artists spend weeks or months on perfecting one simple painting to be absolutely perfect. To charge such a small price seems ridiculous. However, spending several thousand dollars on a piece of artwork seems absurd as well. Nonetheless, art shows around the country and world are always popular. Even people who prefer to simply admire the creations and cannot afford to make purchases will wander aimlessly, wishing they had more of an artistic talent. Other artists will venture to the art shows to size up their competition or get some new ideas for their own future creations.

    There are lots of things that can be found at art shows. They aren’t just paintings and sculptures – you can find jewelry, glass creations, cards, decorations, etc. Most of the creations you find, no matter what they may be, all have a sense of uniqueness to them. Chances are, even if they look identical, no two creations are quite the same. You can be assured that the items that you are purchasing were created with care and expertise, by hand, at each stand that you happen to find. There is more of a willingness to spend more money on such items when you actually meet the individual who created the jewelry or paintings. In fact, I’ve found that people will spend twice the amount of money that they’d spend in a store in order to purchase a handmade necklace or an autographed painting. Why? Because things are more meaningful and purposeful when you meet the creator. You can talk to the artist about the feeling and emotion that lurks behind a particular creation. Being able to say that you met the artist is

    worth money to a lot of individuals. Buying a generic picture in a store just isn’t the same. You know that dozens of other people have the same identical picture hanging in their homes. At an art show, you know that your painting or creation is unique. That’s priceless.

    Choosing applying the perfect make up foundation

    Beautiful makeup requires the perfect make-up foundation.

    Foundation creates a blank canvas on the face to which colors is added: eye shadow, blush & lipstick. It is also the setting agent. It is also the setting agent for these products acting as a barrier between the colour & the skin's own natural oils, which would otherwise dissolve the make-up. But because it covers the largest area of the face, foundation needs to blend seamlessly with the skin.

    Makeup Foundations for differing Skin Types

    Before buying new foundation there are two areas of concern that need to be addressed.

    Firstly, the foundation must complement your skin type.

    Oily Skin; For oily skin that is prone to shine, an oil-free formulation will hinder the production of excess oil, and most contain extra powder particles to dry any oil produced.

    Normal Skin; Normal skin can take pretty much any formulation, but a liquid will give ample coverage without looking caked or heavy. Dry skin needs make-up foundation with extra moisturisers to keep it supple, and to prevent the skin from drinking in the makeup. A cream make-up formulation will last longer and also hydrate.

    Foundation Colours

    The best time to pick a colour is when your skin is at its most natural shade. So, after your holidays or morning after self tanning applications are not the best time. The best place to try make-up is on the jaw line.

    Basically, foundation colour falls into two categories;

    • Foundation bases with yellow tones

    • Foundation bases with pick tones

    The most common yellow-toned skin types are Asian, sallow and black skin, whereas fair skin has generally has pink tones. It is important to choose a foundation that matches your skin's base, otherwise the make-up will not blend well, no matter how you apply it.

    Applying make-up foundations

    Oily Skin; With oily skin, the application of oil-free formulas needs to be fast, as they dry speedily. Using clean fingers to apply small does to the areas most in need of coverage is the best way; simply do each area at a time until the face is complete.

    Normal Skin; For normal skin, the choice of cream-to-powder liquid or powder foundation can change how much time you spend applying it. Cream-to-powder is best applied with a sponge, starting in the centre of the face and working outwards; its done in a matter of moments. Liquid foundation looks more natural applied with a foundation brush. Again work the brush outwards, taking care to use less around the eye area. Powder or mineral make-up foundation should be applied with a large powder brush; while it will not give the same level of coverage as a liquid, it is a great makeup for those who are pressed for time.

    Dry Skin; For dry skin, cream foundation moves well around the face, and a little goes a long way. Dry skin tends to have few blemishes, so concentrate on areas that need coverage, and leave clear areas bare: this is why getting the right colour match is vital.

    Jelly beans aren t just for easter anymore

    When I was little, jelly beans were found in most stores at only one time of the year and that was during the Easter season. The choices were very limited, typically the regular assorted bag of flavors and colors or bags of spiced jelly beans. Today, there is vast array of jelly bean choices along with some unusual flavors. And you can find jelly beans all year long on the store shelves or via the Internet. The most popular year-round jelly bean is probably Jelly Belly™. They come in dozens of colors and flavors such as the pretty multi-colored tutti fruiti flavored ones to the surprisingly delicious buttered popcorn ones, to the intensely flavored jalapeсo Jelly Belly™ jelly beans.

    Jelly beans are definitely not just for Easter anymore. One of my favorite things to receive is a bag of jelly beans that announce the birth of a baby. I’ve received little bags of either pink or blue jelly beans announcing “It’s as Girl” or “It’s a Boy.” They’re cute and something that’s a little different than the chocolate candy bars many people hand out for new baby births and certainly not as bad for your health as the cigars that new dad’s used to routinely hand out when their new baby was born.

    Jelly beans are also a popular favor to hand out at weddings. While jelly beans can be part of an elegant table setting or a sweet treat for guests. I recently attended a wedding where white and red jelly beans (it was a Valentine’s Day wedding) were wrapped in tulle with a tag attached that had the couple’s name and the date of the wedding on it. The small parcels were given to the wedding guests as a tasty memento of their wedding day.

    You can utilize jelly beans when making desserts and cakes too. My favorite treat to make at Easter is jelly bean nests. I melt white chocolate and then stir in chow mein noodles. Before the mixture hardens, I spoon it onto waxed paper and form it into little nests. I then fill the “nest” part with several jelly beans.

    Jelly beans are a fun way to decorate a cake. You can use jelly beans to create a flag for Independence Day; a pumpkin or black cat for Halloween; a tree for Christmas; a heart for Valentine’s Day or even spell out someone’s name in jelly beans. My friend likes to put jelly beans on her children’s birthday cakes each year, using jelly beans to put their age on the cake.

    Jelly beans can have a practical use too. Many ice cream parlors put a jelly bean in the bottom of a sugar cone before putting ice cream in it to prevent leaking as the ice cream melts. As a bonus, there’s a sweet treat waiting at the bottom of the cone.

    Jelly beans can also be part of a game at a birthday party, wedding shower, or baby shower. Fill a nice jar with jelly beans (example: use pink, blue, and white jelly beans at a baby shower) and have everyone guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. Whoever has the closest guess wins the jar of jelly beans. Or, you could give out another prize, saving the jar of jelly beans for the guest of honor.

    So, even though many of us associate jelly beans with Easter, there are many fun and interesting ways to use them all year long. And if you are a jelly bean lover who just wants to have them around all year long, maybe put them in a jar on your desk like President Ronald Reagan did on the 1980’s so a couple of jelly beans to satisfy your sweet tooth are never far away.

    Discover some magic to beat the forex the elliott wave theory for forex markets

    One of the best known and least understood theories of technical analysis in forex trading is the Elliot Wave Theory. Developed in the 1920s by Ralph Nelson Elliot as a method of predicting trends in the stock market, the Elliot Wave theory applies fractal mathematics to movements in the market to make predictions based on crowd behavior. In its essence, the Elliot Wave theory states that the market – in this case, the forex market – moves in a series of 5 swings upward and 3 swings back down, repeated perpetually. But if it were that simple, everyone would be making a killing by catching the wave and riding it until just before it crashes on the shore. Obviously, there’s a lot more to it.

    One of the things that makes riding the Elliot Wave so tricky is timing – of all the major wave theories, it’s the only one that doesn’t put a time limit on the reactions and rebounds of the market. A single In fact, the theories of fractal mathematics makes it clear that there are multiple waves within waves within waves. Interpreting the data and finding the right curves and crests is a tricky process, which gives rise to the contention that you can put 20 experts on the Elliot Wave theory in one room and they will never reach an agreement on which way a stock – or in this case, a currency – is headed.

    Elliot Wave Basics

    • Every action is followed by a reaction.

    It’s a standard rule of physics that applies to the crowd behavior on which the Elliot Wave theory is based. If prices drop, people will buy. When people buy, the demand increases and supply decreases driving prices back up. Nearly every system that uses trend analysis to predict the movements of the currency market is based on determining when those actions will cause reactions that make a trade profitable.

    • There are five waves in the direction of the main trend followed by three corrective waves (a "5-3" move).

    The Elliot Wave theory is that market activity can be predicted as a series of five waves that move in one direction (the trend) followed by three ‘corrective’ waves that move the market back toward its starting point.

    • A 5-3 move completes a cycle.

    And here’s where the theory begins to get truly complex. Like the mirror reflecting a mirror that reflects a mirror that reflects a mirror, the each 5-3 wave is not only complete in itself, it is a superset of a smaller series of waves, and a subset of a larger set of 5-3 waves – the next principle.

    • This 5-3 move then becomes two subdivisions of the next higher 5-3 wave.

    In Elliot Wave notation, the 5 waves that fit the trend are labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (impulses). The three correcting waves are called a, b and c (corrections). Each of these waves is made up of a 5-3 series of waves, and each of those is made up of a 5-3 series of waves. The 5-3 cycle that you’re studying is an impulse and correction in the next ascending 5-3 series.

    • The underlying 5-3 pattern remains constant, though the time span of each may vary.

    A 5-3 wave may take decades to complete – or it may be over in minutes. Traders who are successful in using the Elliot Wavy theory to trade in the currency market say that the trick is timing trades to coincide with the beginning and end of impulse 3 to minimize your risk and maximize your profit.

    Because the timing of each sequence of waves varies so much, using the Elliot Wave theory is very much a matter of interpretation. Identifying the best time to enter and leave a trade is dependent on being able to see and follow the pattern of larger and smaller waves, and to know when to trade and when to get out based on the patterns you identify.

    The key is in interpreting the pattern correctly – in finding the right starting point. Once you learn to see the wave patterns and identify them correctly, say those who are experts, you’ll see how they apply in every facet of forex trading, and will be able to use those patterns to trigger your decisions whether you’re day trading or in it for the long haul.

    Thursday, October 27, 2016

    Ïðîìûøëåííûå êîëåñà è ðîëèêè òåëåæêè è ãðóçîïîäú ìíîå îáîðóäîâàíèå ðîëèêè äëÿ ðîëüãàíãîâ

    Продукция германских и итальянских фирм Blickle Rader+Rollen GmbH, Cebora, Fir, Avo, Ojop, Rollex, ведущих производителей промышленных колес и роликов в мире, является наиболее востребованной продукцией предлагаемой на российском рынке, и продукцией соответствующей высокому качеству изготовления.

    Более чем 20000 типов различных колес и роликов, платформенных и грузовых тележек, замков, фиксаторов и роликов для рольгангов – это ассортимент, который всегда востребован в различных сферах промышленности, производства, в сфере услуг и в том числе в сфере обслуживания авиатранспорта и аэропортов.
    Область применения колёс и роликов, поставляемых и продаваемых российскими компаниями, распространяется не только на промышленность и транспортные средства: строительные леса, уборочная и строительная техника, контейнеры, лабораторное и кухонное оборудование, промышленное оборудование, а так же погрузчики, оборудование для ремонта и обслуживания самолётов, торговое оборудование – вот не самый полный перечень областей, которые нуждаются в промышленных колесах и роликах.

    В деятельности компаний-поставщиков, работающих на рынке поставок промышленных колёс и роликов, приоритетным направлением является продажа и поставки большегрузных колес и роликов, колес для платформенных и грузовых тележек, колесных опор, роликов с тормозом, фиксаторами, замков и роликов для рольгангов. Множество промышленных производств заинтересованы в покупке роликов большегрузного типа, что объясняется существенно более прочной их конструкцией. К тому же при определенных условиях такие колёса и ролики могут использоваться на повышенных скоростях за счёт высокой надежности подшипников и поворотных узлов, то есть там, где требуется мобильность особо тяжелых грузов. Также они находят своё применение для комплектации тележек, различных технологических устройств и оборудования повышенной грузоподъемности для работы в цеховых условиях, для комплектации погрузчиков и гидравлических тележек.

    Как правило, продукция подразделяется на аппаратные колёса и ролики, колёса и ролики для транспортного оборудования, большегрузные колёса и ролики, колёса и ролики для платформенных и грузовых тележек колесные опоры, ролики с тормозом или фиксатором и ролики для рольгангов.

    Аппаратные колеса, ролики (колесные опоры) применимы для комплектации ручных тележек малой грузоподъемности, для офисных помещений, для комплектации медицинского и торгового оборудования, в мебельном производстве.

    Колёса и ролики для транспортного оборудования обеспечивают мобильность различных механизмов и оборудования, а также ручных транспортировочных тележек, рабочих платформ средней грузоподъемности, мусорных контейнеров, складского и торгового оборудования.

    Немецкие и итальянские поставщики прекрасно зарекомендовала себя как надёжные партнёры и производители продукции, которая не подводит в суровых условиях эксплуатации. Этими колесами и роликами комплектуется уборочная техника ведущих европейских производителей, таких как BUCHER, Boschung, KUPPERWEISSER, Schmidt, Beilhack и др.

    У российских фирм-представителей для каждого заказчика обеспечена квалифицированная и своевременная помощь в подборе колес, роликов, колесных опор, колес для платформенных тележек, роликов и колес для грузовых тележек. Консультации по техническим данным продукции, продажам и бесперебойным поставкам колес и роликов, колес платформенных и грузовых тележек, колесных опор, роликов с тормозом и снабжённых фиксатором, замков и роликов для рольгангов как правило можно получить он-лайн, либо связавшись с менеджерами компании по телефону.

    Illegal downloading unfair to artists

    Filesharing and illegal downloading has been a big issue for media companies since the late 1990s. It should come as no surprise, but an extensive new UK study by Entertainment Media Research shows that illegal downloads are at an all time high just as paid download growth is slowing. Cinema isn't doing well, it's probably affected just as much as music where illegal downloads are concerned. Every month, some five billion illegal downloads are passed around the internet, and the entertainment industry sues several hundred people.

    Despite the years of litigation, illegal downloads are 10 times as common as legal digital sales and are still growing at 60 percent a year. Currently illegal downloads are cutting into DVD sales. The number of people buying music online has doubled since last year, but illegal downloads are also on the rise. But if it is true that illegal downloads are injurious to content holders, you would think that they would be embracing legal download services with prices at least approaching that of movie tickets, or if not current PPV ( still exorbitant ). The consequences of illegal downloads are very real: from the risk of legal action to the likelihood of computer viruses, spyware, identity theft and other threats from the peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing software typically used for downloading. Steps taken by ISPs to arrest piracy could be anything from sending primary warnings to a subscriber about his illegal activity to limiting the speed and quantum of downloads by the particular subscriber, and jamming the line while the illegal downloads are in progress.

    The biggest reason for why illegal downloading is still occurring is that most people don't have enough knowledge about copyright law. Whether that is the case or not may remain to be seen, but it doesn't change the fact that illegal downloading is still a crime. Many free illegal downloads are not of any great quality and to find one online among thousands of similar downloads is too time consuming in the end. There can be no doubt that the need for action against illegal downloading is now urgent. Illegal downloading is not fair to the artists, musicians and actors who put a lot of time and effort to make the songs/movies for us to enjoy.

    How to natural breast enlargement

    This article explains a few things about natural breast enlargement, and if you're interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don't know.

    You may have read ads regarding natural breast enlargement. Maybe you're looking for options to surgical breast enlargements. If you want to enhance your breasts without the costs and risks of surgery, you should know about natural breast enlargement options.

    Natural breast enlargement generally relies on plant estrogens. These estrogens are not the same as the estrogen prescribed by doctors. Plant estrogens can cause the breast to grow as it does in puberty. Users report permanent results from using natural breast enlargement.

    Sometimes the most important aspects of a subject are not immediately obvious. Keep reading to get the complete picture.

    Natural breast enlargement using plant estrogens often comes in the form of a pill to be taken daily. It can also be found in creams. There are even natural breast enlargement products that come in liquid form.

    It is important to note that natural breast enlargement methods do not show results immediately. Don't give up if you don't see results in a day or two. Many users report results in a few weeks. Unlike surgery, with natural breast enlargements you can control the results. When you reach the desired size, you can stop using your pill or cream.

    If you are interested in natural breast enlargement, research products carefully. Natural breast enlargement is a good option for people who cannot afford surgical enlargement. It is also a good option for those who want more control over the results or are seeking natural ingredients. Natural breast enlargement does not leave scars. You have no recovery time. Natural breast enlargement is an option for anybody who would like to enhance their breasts.

    Feeling Full & Firm by using PUERARIAN Breast Cream

    This amazing cream is excellent for breast firming and enlargement. Various studies confirmed that this product has a high success for enhancing women breast. All Skin Type

    Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herb extracts

    Direction: Use once in the morning and in the night. Apply onto breast area and massage for 3-5 minutes until it is fully absorbed.

    Precautions: Not recommended for pregnant women, feeding mothers or women diagnosed with medical conditions of the breast.

    That's how things stand right now. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time, so be sure you keep up with the latest news. http://www. phuketherb. com/

    Board of directors non profit 04

    Before I got involved in a major national charity, I had no idea how common board of directors non profit problems are. As hard as a business board is to run, a non profit board of directors is that much harder. There are all kinds of problems that are unique to non profits. First of all, it can be much more difficult to make a non profit financially solvent than with a business. With your business board, you have to maximize profits and increase consumer interest. With a board of directors non profits, however, you have to be responsive to all sorts of changing situations that you don't get in the business world. Funding can increase and decrease, the interests of important donors can wax and wane, and the whole organization has to be able to quickly expand and contract in response to variations in the amount of money available.

    A board of directors nonprofit also has to be accountable to the community in a way that a business doesn't. A non profit is there, after all, to serve the community. A business by contrast is there to serve the stockholders. This means that the board of directors non profit has to be representative of the community it is serving. As important as diversity is in the workplace, it is most important of all in a non profit organizations. Getting people from different perspectives and different walks of life to work together in a constructive professional atmosphere, however, is easier said than done. Nonetheless, doing this right can make or break non profit boards of directors.

    A lot of people spend a lot of time working on organizational models, but it all basically comes down to this: each individual in the board of directors non profit has to be passionate about the cause, highly competent, and able to work with others. It doesn't help to bring in managerial types who couldn't care less about what the nonprofit is doing, but it also doesn't help you to bring in firebrands who are unable to work with other people. It is fine to have true believers working in the field, but the members of your board of directors non profit should have a little bit more critical understanding of the issues involved. They should believe, but not be ignorant of the pitfalls and problems that nonprofits face. Only then will they be able to work together so that the organization can function at its full potential.